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A Dog Friendly Brunch In Dublin 8


April 26, 2019

When two dogs and a human walk into a cafe and the staff say 'table for three?' you know you've found a great dog friendly spot.

GROUNDST∆TE is a cafe AND a yoga studio. It's a warm space with a really unique atmosphere.

And it's so dog friendly, we go there every week!

They are incredibly welcoming to their furry customers.

We usually have a bowl of water in front of us before the human has even decided what to order!

Dogs Can People Watch Too

We love to sit by the window, sip our coffee and watch the world fly by.

Sometimes we practise selfies here too.

Our Experience

We've had so many. We are allowed to sit anywhere in here, no restrictions. The staff come by to chat to us regularly and we've even had the odd offer of scraps from other customers!

The human is obsessed with their vegan toast. We've tried it and can confirm, it tastes as good as it looks.

We're a big fan of the coffee here. It's the only cure to that 3pm slump us bloggers have to deal with.


Pawtastic! If you couldn't already tell, we love it here. The staff make us feel so welcome that we come back every week.

If you're looking for a place to chill out with your dog and eat some incredible food, then GROUNDST∆TE won't disappoint.

Small Dog Tip! When you are hanging out in cafes like this, it can get pretty busy. Always make sure your lead is securely on so you can stay close to your human.

Get Your Paws Over There!

Lots of love

Roxy & Jasmine

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